Have You Had Your Water Tested?
A lot of you are probably reading this and wondering what we are talking about. And a lot of you doing so have probably also encountered issues with your water at some point, and then just shrugged them off because you assume that what you have is the best you can do. Not so! In most cases, there’s room for improvement when it comes to your water quality. Water testing is just what you need to figure out the specifics.
And no, we don’t advocate looking for some DIY water testing kit that you can use on your own. Trust us, this is important enough to leave to the professionals. When we test your water, we’ll get accurate results, and we’ll also make sure that we’re following up on those results with the right solutions for any problems that we may find. Your water quality is just way too important to take any chances with.
What Are You Testing For?
That really depends on what it is that prompts the need for water testing to begin with. We may test for bacteria, chemicals, high mineral levels, nitrates, pH levels, sodium, fluoride, dissolved solids, and more. Of course, if you knew exactly what it was that you needed water testing for, then chances are that you would not really need water testing done! We’ll have our suspicions based on the feedback that you give, since we have so much experience in this area, but ultimately it’s the test that will tell us for certain.
What Kinds of Symptoms Should I Be Looking for?
Well, first of all, you shouldn’t necessarily wait for symptoms to develop before you schedule professional water testing. This is especially true if you have vulnerable populations, like young children or very elderly family members in your home. If you use a private water supply, you should definitely be scheduling professional testing.
Given that, you should consider water testing if your water has an odd color, strange odors, lots of sediment, tastes bad, or you have a lot of gastrointestinal distress in your home. These are all signs that there is probably improvements to be made when it comes to your water quality.
What Will We Do About It?
Reverse osmosis systems, water filtration, specialty cartridges, chemical feed pumps, water softeners—there are a whole lot of different ways in which you may be able to address the water quality issues in your home. The most important thing to remember is that only trained professionals will do it right. There is no point in investing in the wrong kind of water treatment system. It gives you a false sense of security, and it’s just a huge waste of money. With our team on your side, you’ll know that you’re addressing the right problems in the right way. You deserve to use the water in your home with well-earned confidence!
Schedule your water testing services with Goettl Air Conditioning and Plumbing. We Do Things the Right Way, Not the Easy Way.