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Goettl technician working on heating system in attic

Why Cool My Home Sans Ductwork?

Your air conditioner is going to play a major role throughout much of the year here in Tucson, AZ. Living in a climate where temperatures soar as much as they do in ours, you need to know not only that your AC is of a high quality design and build, but also that it suits…

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Goettl Air conditioning unit

What You Can Do to Prevent AC Problems

Living in the desert means relying heavily on your air conditioner to combat the intense heat and dry conditions. Proactive AC maintenance and care are essential to ensure your AC system performs efficiently and reliably throughout the hot season.  While no amount of preventive measures can make your air conditioner 100% reliable, taking the right…

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Goettl Technician replacing duct filter

Heat Pump Repairs: Refrigerant Leaks

Discover the versatility of heat pumps in the mild winters of the Southwest—they function as both cooling and heating systems. This dual capability is achieved through a refrigerant cycle and a reversing valve. However, it’s crucial to note that systems using refrigerant, like heat pumps, may be susceptible to leaks. These leaks can harm the…

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3 Benefits of Eliminating the Water Heater Tank

For most homeowners, a water heater is a tall, cylindrical appliance that is full of the hot water they need for showering, washing the dishes, doing the laundry, etc. If that is the end of the line when it comes to your awareness of available water heater systems, you’ve got some homework to do. Specifically,…

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Goettl Air conditioning unit

How to Improve Your Indoor Air Quality in Chandler AZ

The statistics on indoor air quality in the United States can sound intimidating. According to the U.S. EPA’s Indoor Environments Division (IED), the poor ventilation in homes can contribute to making the quality of the air inside far lower than that outside, even factoring in outdoor air pollution. Since a person spends on average 85%…

Read More How to Improve Your Indoor Air Quality in Chandler AZ
Goettl Air conditioning unit

How to Prepare Your AC System for Spring

It’s time to bid adieu to the cold season, and say hello to the warm months ahead, which includes air conditioning tips, of course! And spring comes, promising not only sunny days but blooming foliage that symbolize a substantial change in our home comfort needs. This is the time most switch over from the heater…

Read More How to Prepare Your AC System for Spring
Goettl Air conditioning unit

Tips for Preventing AC Damages

When you live in California, whole-house cooling is pretty much a given. You don’t want to be lugging clunky and inefficient window units up and down the stairs when temperatures cool down for winter and warm right back up for an early start to summer. Considering how vital our central ACs are to our day…

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Goettl technician working on heating system in attic

Some Services to Improve Home Energy Efficiency in Chandler, AZ

Are you looking to improve your energy efficiency this winter, but aren’t sure what kinds of services and products can help? Here are some options to consider: As you can see, there are a number of available products and services that can increase your energy efficiency in Chandler. Interested in finding out more? Contact Goettl Air…

Read More Some Services to Improve Home Energy Efficiency in Chandler, AZ
Goettl Technician replacing duct filter

Improper Heating Maintenance Can Stir Up These Issues

The hot desert weather in the Valley of the Sun means that many homeowners often neglect to think about their heating systems until the moment they need them. Although this is understandable, since heaters receive far less use during the year than air conditioners, it’s still unwise to leave any important part of a house…

Read More Improper Heating Maintenance Can Stir Up These Issues
Goettl Air conditioning unit

Causes of Low Air Flow in Your AC Unit

Your air conditioner is one of the most important parts of your home, especially here in the Valley of the Sun with summer temperatures on their way. The system needs to perform at its peak and when problems arise, you need to get them corrected as quickly as possible. To do otherwise can cost you…

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Goettl Air conditioning unit

AC Problems: Faulty Capacitors

Wouldn’t it be great, particularly in as hot a climate as ours, to know that no problems would never befall your air conditioning system? As those of us living here in the real world know, of course, this goal is tragically impossible. An air conditioner is a mechanical system with many moving parts and electrical…

Read More AC Problems: Faulty Capacitors
Goettl Air conditioning unit

Keep Your Condensate Drain Line Clean

When you schedule routine air conditioning maintenance in Tucson, AZ, you may assume that everything is all set until next year. This is not really, true, though. There are a few things that you should do in the interim to ensure that your air conditioner keeps working precisely as it ought to. You should, for…

Read More Keep Your Condensate Drain Line Clean