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Goettl Air conditioning unit

AC Pro Tip: Change Your Air Filter Regularly

When you think of air filtration, you probably think of improving the quality of the air throughout your home. In truth, though, this is not the primary function of the air filter in your AC system, though failure to change that air filter as needed can certainly lead to issues with one’s indoor air quality….

Read More AC Pro Tip: Change Your Air Filter Regularly
Goettl Air conditioning unit

Why Is There Water Surrounding My AC?

Living in the desert means enduring incredibly high temperatures, especially during summer. With such extreme heat, it’s no surprise that air conditioners run constantly to maintain indoor comfort. However, this heavy usage can lead to various issues, one of the most alarming being water around your air conditioner. It’s always better to prevent repair needs…

Read More Why Is There Water Surrounding My AC?
Goettl technician fixing piping under the sink

Help Us Help You: Spotting Leaks

You are never going to avoid each and every plumbing problem that could possibly develop with your system. It’s just not possible. That doesn’t mean that you should just throw your hands up and accept the fact that there is a plumbing emergency always looming off in the distance, though. You can still help to…

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Goettl Technician replacing duct filter

3 Benefits of Annual Heating Tune-Ups

While daytime temperatures are still creeping up toward the 80’s, nighttime temps are dropping below the 50’s regularly. That means that you are probably using your heater to take the chill out of the air at night, at least. Are you serious about getting the very best performance possible from the heater in your home?…

Read More 3 Benefits of Annual Heating Tune-Ups
Goettl Air conditioning unit

Tips for Efficient Cooling

There is no point in sugarcoating it. The heat so far this summer has been absolutely brutal. When you have flights grounded due to the extreme heat, you know that things are getting serious. If you want to live comfortably, then you need to get serious about your home cooling system. Of course, most homeowners…

Read More Tips for Efficient Cooling
Goettl Air conditioning unit

3 Steps That You Can Take Before Scheduling AC Repairs

Before we get into this post, we must reiterate the following information: any air conditioning repair services that you may need must, without exception, be completed by qualified, professional technicians. Under no circumstances should you ever attempt to repair your own air conditioning system. In doing so, you only risk further damage to your system,…

Read More 3 Steps That You Can Take Before Scheduling AC Repairs
Goettl technician fixing piping under the sink

3 Ways That Plumbing Leaks Cause You Problems

It is probably not too surprising to hear that plumbing leaks are the most common problems that homeowners encounter with their plumbing systems—and everywhere else, really. With all of the plumbing pipes, fixtures, appliances, and connections that we have in our modern homes and on our property, it’s really only a matter of time before…

Read More 3 Ways That Plumbing Leaks Cause You Problems
Goettl Air conditioning unit

What Does El Niño Mean for Your HVAC System in Phoenix?

El Niño (technically termed “The El Niño Southern Oscillation” or ENSO) is a condition that occurs off the Western Coast of South America when the sea surface temperature is warmer than normal. In turn, this triggers unusual changes in climate that can affect parts of the Western Pacific United States. The variations can lead to…

Read More What Does El Niño Mean for Your HVAC System in Phoenix?
Goettl Air conditioning unit

Zone Your AC for Greater Control!

We live in a very hot climate, and that means that you are going to be using your air conditioning system with great regularity. With that in mind, it only makes sense to do everything possible in order to maximize your cooling experience. If you’ve ever felt frustrated by the fact that you have to…

Read More Zone Your AC for Greater Control!
Goettl Air conditioning unit

Signs of Subpar Indoor Air Quality

Many homeowners mistakenly believe that a great HVAC system is all that they need in order to live comfortably throughout the year. While a reliable air conditioning system is a necessity in this part of the country, and you’ll need a heater to help you through the chillier nights of the year, the fact of…

Read More Signs of Subpar Indoor Air Quality
Goettl Air conditioning unit

5 Benefits of Routine Air Conditioner Maintenance

Are you considering scheduling air conditioner maintenance for your home? With the scorching temperatures we experience, especially during the summer months, ensuring your AC system is in top shape is crucial. If you haven’t scheduled air conditioning maintenance yet, don’t worry—it’s never too late to prioritize your air conditioner’s health. At Goettl Air Conditioning &…

Read More 5 Benefits of Routine Air Conditioner Maintenance
Goettl technician fixing piping under the sink

Get Clean, Safe Water with Goettl

If you just assume that the water coming out of your faucets is inherently of a high quality, you may be giving that water far too much credit.  Sure, we’d all love to think that our water quality is high, but do you have any proof that this is actually the case? Even if your…

Read More Get Clean, Safe Water with Goettl