Is It Time for Heating Repairs?
If so, then you really should schedule service as soon as possible. We know that it can be easy to overlook potential problems with your heater if the system is still up and running, but trust us when we tell you that this is never going to be in your best interest. The longer that you wait to schedule your heating repairs in Phoenix, AZ, the worse off your system is likely to be. You don’t want to wait until the system breaks down entirely.
But how are you supposed to know that your heater is in need of repairs, particularly if it is still warming your home at least moderately successfully? The key is essentially to look for any irregularities in your heating system’s overall performance. We have a few tips to help you identify such irregularities. Should you notice any such trouble in your home, schedule prompt heating repairs with Goettl Air Conditioning Phoenix. We’ll resolve your problems ASAP.
Keep an Eye on Your Bills
When you run your heater, you are going to see your use of that system reflected in your utility bills. Just because you have to pay to heat your home, though, does not mean that you should have to overpay to heat your home. If you’ve been living in your current home and using your current heating system for at least a couple of seasons, then you likely have a basic idea of how much it costs to heat your house.
If you see an inexplicable spike in your heating costs, despite the fact that you are not really using your heater any more than is normal, then you likely have a problem that may require professional repairs. You may just need to change a dirty air filter, but if there is no such obvious solution to the problem, then scheduling professional repairs with our team is advisable.
How’s the Output?
Has your heater previously heated your home successfully, but is struggling to do so this season? If so, then you may have problems such as leaky ductwork, or even fuel combustion issues. You should not be settling for “good enough” when you are running your heating system. Instead, you should be getting an effective and dependable performance from that system while enjoying even, comfortable temperatures throughout your house.
Is Your Heater Cycling On and Off too Frequently?
Does it seem like your heater is pumping out the heat dependably, but that it is doing so in something of a strange fashion? Is your heater starting up, but running only briefly before it cycles right back down? This is called short cycling, and it can indicate any number of problems with your system.
Increased airflow resistance due to very dirty air filters may be too blame, but you could also have faulty thermocouples, refrigerant leaks in heat pumps, or any other number of problems. Trust us when we tell you that short cycling is a big problem, and that it can result in increased wear and tear on your system, increased heating costs, overheating, and even system failure. Call today if your system is short cycling.
G-O-E-T-T-L it’ll keep you cool but it’s hard to spell.