Benefits of Heating Your Home without Ductwork
It is impossible to deny that the winter weather here in Arizona is nowhere near as extreme as the heat of summer is. The mistake that some people make is thinking that this means their heating systems aren’t as important as their air conditioners. Well, our winters may be relatively mild and brief, but you should still be prepared to keep your home comfortable for their duration.
With that in mind, we often recommend that homeowners consider the use of ductless heating systems in Phoenix, AZ. There are quite a few benefits to be had in doing so. Review the following information, and let a member of our team know if you think that ductless heating is the right option for your home.
- Year Round Comfort. Because our winter weather is so mild, some homeowners lament the fact that they have to invest in a heating system at all. With a ductless mini split system, you get both heating and cooling in one package. Considering how limited the use of our heaters are in this area, this type of design makes a lot of sense.
- Outstanding Energy Efficiency. Ductless mini splits use heat pump technology in order to heat homes. They take heat from the air outside, compress the refrigerant that has absorbed that heat, and use its thermal energy in order to heat the air in the house. This means that no heat is directly generated, which really cuts down on energy consumption. There is also no risk of air leaks in ductwork, as there is no ductwork to begin with.
- Improved Overall Comfort. Ductless mini splits don’t distribute heat throughout air ducts, but instead use individual blower units to do so. That allows you to adjust the temperature in different areas of your house to different levels. This feature means that you can actually live in greater comfort while scaling back energy use in your home.
Contact Goettl Air Conditioning to learn more about your ductless heating options.