Why a Clean Air Filter is Important
When you live in as hot of a climate as we do, you tend to put a lot of value in the reliable, effective operation of your home cooling system. However, too many homeowners fail to give their air conditioning systems the attention that they really need to excel in this performance. While scheduling routine air conditioning maintenance in Phoenix, AZ is certainly the most important step to take in doing so, you must also remember that your air filter must be changed more than once a year. You cannot simply leave the task to your HVAC maintenance technician. Read on to learn a bit more about how a dirty air filter can negatively affect your air conditioning system.
Is a Clean Air Filter Really That Important?
Yes, it is. If your air filter is all clogged up with dirt and debris, then there is no way in which you can expect your air conditioner to function at peak performance or efficiency levels. You see, when your filter is clogged, your air conditioner is going to have to work harder than it should have to in order to distribute air throughout your home and through the filter itself. This excess strain can drive down your energy efficiency, leaving you to pay higher energy costs despite the fact that you are paying for reduced comfort levels.
Plus, there is the fact that the this excessive strain on your air conditioning system can also lead to excessive wear and tear, which in turn will lead to the increased risk of operational problems, damages, and breakdowns. Your evaporator coil, for instance, draws heat out of the air running over it via the refrigerant cycle. If the airflow is insufficient, your evaporator coil may ice up.
Schedule your AC maintenance services with Goettl Air Conditioning.